Free Crochet Patterns from Crochet N More
Training tutors since 1997.
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However, these patterns will be added to the
Crochet 'N' More
website after the next issue is sent out.
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different crochet stitch and/or tip featured in each issue...
to be added later to the Crochet Basics page)
For any project that requires a foundation row of all single crochets you can use Foundation Single Crochets. In other words, instead of making a series of chain stitches and then working a single crochet into each chain you work a series of FSC stitches.
To begin a Foundation Single Crochet row, Chain 2.
Insert hook into the second chain from the hook
yarn over and draw a loop through (2 lps on hk)
chain 1
(2 lps still on hk)
yarn over and draw through two loops to finish the foundation single crochet.
Insert hook into last chain made, yarn over and draw a loop through. (2 lps on hk)
Chain 1. (2 lps still on hk)
Yarn over and draw through two loops to finish the foundation single crochet.
Repeat from the asterisk * for as many stitches as you need for your project.
Watch the video
encyclopedia of knitting and crochet facts"
Take a look:
I like to crochet afghans all year long. If you want to stay cool in the summer and still crochet an afghan, lay it on the dining room table while you work. This keeps the afghan out of your lap so you stay cool.
Scrap Yarn Ideas ... do you have number 90?
The following
page is compilation of uses for scrap yarns:
If you have a use that's not listed email me!
NOTE: Any comments left on the CNM website or sent via email may be posted here.
Leave your message in our guestbook... and it may appear in an issue of the CNM Newsletter!
RE: Pics from your pattern
Thanks for sharing your pattern! So easy and easy to remember! :)
Melissa Gibbs
RE: Message on the Crochetnmore Fan Page
Thank you Lisa for the tutorial for your table runner. I have never used the smaller cotton thread and I needed a quick pattern for a dresser scarf for my sister. I love this pattern . Thank you so much. Gotta print the pattern off when I get home. Hope you have a great day
How do you think cotton yarn would do in this project?
Annette Whetzel Burke
<< Reply >>
Cotton yarn would do fine for the table runner. I do think acrylic yarn washes up better though.
Re: ReadAPattern
hi Im begginer in crochet I would like to know what this means
row 1 start in the 3rd chain and single crochet in each chain for 24 chains. chain 1 .
row 2 start in the 2nd chain and single crochet in each chain for 24 chains. chain 1 repeat.
well I hope you can help and thank you very much.
<< Reply >>
-----row 1 start in the 3rd chain and single crochet in each chain for 24 chains. chain 1 .
Row 1
A crochet pattern must start with a certain number of chains or stitches.
In this case, once you make the foundation chain you would work a single crochet
in the third chain from the hook (this is odd...
most designers have you work into the second chain from the hook for a first single crochet on a row)
Single crochet in the next 23 chains for a total of 24 single crochet stitches
Chain 1
-----row 2 start in the 2nd chain and single crochet in each chain for 24 chains. chain 1 repeat.
Row 2
This instruction isn't clear... your first row is already worked into the foundation chain.
Each stitch for Row 2 should be worked into the stitches from Row 1.
It sounds like the designer wants you to chain 1 and then work a single crochet into each single crochet on Row 1.
RE: Via the Crochetnmore Fan Page
Re: Owl Granny Square Pattern
<< Comments >>
I really love your tutorials! You man everything simple.
Dianne Wright
That looks so cute, I have to tell my friend about it she love owls and she knit and crochets, too!
Linda Cannedy Savage
RE: Enlarge Doily Pattern
I tried to post a question. I have been wanting to make a small table cloth using a doily pattern. How can I increase the pattern in order to make them larger. I loved the ones in the newsletter. I tried to send the question through the site and it would not allow me to do so.
I want to make Christmas ones for my daughter in laws. Any help would be fantastic.
Have a great day
<< reply >>
Thanks for letting me know you had a problem sending me your question via the website.
I’m glad you liked the doily patterns in the newsletter.
In order to enlarge a pattern you have to increase stitches on subsequent rounds in order
to stay in pattern and keep the doily shaping you desire. There is no set way to enlarge
a pattern.
There are numerous tablecloth patterns linked on the following page that you might enjoy:
Re: ReadAPattern
How would I interpret this?
as compared to this?
(4 tr, ch 1, 4 tr)
the first one is a large shell and the second one is a small shell in a bavarian baby blanket by jennie king.
<< reply >>
--- (4tr,{ch1,4tr}twice)
means to do this:
4 treble crochet
chain 1
4 treble crochet
chain 1
4 treble crochet
--- as compared to this?
--- (4 tr, ch 1, 4 tr)
means to do this:
4 treble crochet
chain 1
4 treble crochet
Thank You so very much for all the help and this great newsletters I look so forward to look in my emails and find a new one. Again thank you so very much
Linda Dusombre
Via the Crochetnmore YouTube Channel
RE: How to Crochet - Invisible Join
<< Comments >>
"Neat" idea. :)
Kathleen Jones
Via the Crochetnmore YouTube Channel
RE: How to Crochet - Triple Treble Crochet Stitch
<< Comments >>
Nice simple and easy to follow thank you!!
Via the Crochetnmore YouTube Channel
RE: How to Crochet: Writing on Single Crochet Fabric with Slip Stitches
<< Comments >>
That's great thanks so much for sharing.
I have 15 names to do on Christmas stockings should be easy to do!
Angela Smith
words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa
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Get Your Home In Order!
This book
is a wonderful addition to any crochet library.
I've had numerous requests over the years of what to crochet for
Crobots are definitely the answer!
This 96-page book is filled with numerous types of Crobot patterns
as well as well-illustrated instructions for the
crochet stitches, assembly stitches and other embellishments used
in the patterns.
The patterns are well written, some of the book is written in a
small font but the pictures are wonderful. NOTE:
This book comes to you with a safety warning regarding the small
parts used in the patterns.
Therefore, please use your own discretion as to the age of the child
you intend the gift for.
See more styles
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Laughter is an instant vacation." - Milton Berle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Humor provides us with a valuable tool for
maintaining an inner strength in the midst
of outer turmoil. - Brian Deery
The judge was in a kind mood as he questioned the prisoner: "What are you charged with?" he asked.
"Doing my Christmas shopping early," replied the defendant.
"That's not a crime," replied the judge. "How early were you doing this shopping?"
"Before the store opened."
One night at the dinner table, the wife commented, "When we were first married, you took the small
piece of steak and gave me the larger. Now you take
the large one and leave me the smaller. You don't
love me anymore."
"Nonsense, darling," replied the husband, "you just
cook better now."
Giving a sermon one Sunday, I heard two teenage girls in the back giggling and disturbing people. I interrupted my sermon and announced sternly, "There are two of you here who have not heard a word I've said." That quieted them down.
When the service was over, I went to greet people at the
front door. Three adults apologized for going to sleep
in church, promising it would never happen again.
A man went to a pet shop and asked for a bird that could
sing. The proprietor brought out a gorgeous tropical bird,
looked the bird in the eye, puckered his lips and started
to whistle.
The bird took up the very note and finished the tune with
"That's mighty fine," the customer said, "but I'd never
pay money for that bird. His right leg's crippled."
"I thought you wanted me to sing!" cried the bird. "I
gotta dance, too?"
Our army physical-training program requires us to run two
miles every other day in platoon formation. Being somewhat older than the other soldiers, I have trouble running faster
than a ten-minute mile.
During a recent run, I was finding it difficult to complete
the two miles without stopping, so I raised my hands high
above my head to expand my diaphragm and gain my second
Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me say, "Forget it, sergeant, we don't take prisoners."
While waiting at the veterinarian's office,
I overheard two women chatting about their
"What's your dog's name?" asked the first
"Well, we used to call her Pork Chop," answered the second lady. "But after the
vet bills we've had for her, we now call
her Filet Mignon.
Diagnosing my problem as water on the knee, the doctor
prescribed complete bed rest. When we got home, my husband
set me up in a lounge chair and brought my knitting and some
As he packed ice around my knee, he said, "Now, honey, I don't want you to move until it's time to get dinner ready."
In the admitting office of our hospital, some patients
were filling out forms, others were being interviewed
and still others were being escorted to their rooms.
An elderly woman hesitantly entered my cubicle. She
had completed her admitting forms and, upon my request, handed me her insurance cards.
I typed the necessary information and then asked her
the reason for her coming to the hospital.
"Just to visit a friend," she said, "but this had taken so
long, I'm not sure I have time now."
My aunt's neighbor in New York had a beautiful black
cat, named Felix, who spent his days outside and came
indoors at night.
One cool October evening, he disappeared. The neighbor searched for him in vain for several days. The following
spring, however, Felix reappeared, looking healthy and
clean. She figured he's been out sowing his wild oats.
Everything was back to normal until that autumn, when Felix disappeared again. The next spring, he returned.
Perplexed, my aunt's friend began asking neighbors for
clues. Finally, she rang the bell of an older couple who
lived down the street.
"A black cat?" the woman said. "Oh, yes! My husband
and I hated to see him out in the cold, so we bought a
cat carrier. We take him to Florida with us every winter."
A wise old gentleman retired and purchased a modest home in the summer near a junior high school. He spent the first few weeks of his retirement in peace and contentment.
Then a new school year began. The very next afternoon three young boys full of youthful after school enthusiasm came down his street beating merrily on every trash can they encountered. The crashing percussion continued day after day, until finally the wise old man decided it was time to take some action.
The next afternoon, he walked out to meet the young percussionists as they banged their way down the street. Stopping them, he said, "You kids are a lot of fun. I like to see you express your exuberance like that. I used to do the same thing when I was your age. Will you do me a favor? I'll give you each a dollar if you'll promise to come around every day and do your thing."
The kids were elated and continued to do a bang-up job on the trash cans. A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street. "Look" he said, "I haven't received my Social Security (pension) check yet, so I'm not going to be able to give you more than 25 cents. Will that be okay?"
"A lousy quarter?!" the drum leader exclaimed. "If you think we're going to waste our time beating these cans around for a quarter, you're nuts! No way, mister. We quit!"
And the old man enjoyed peace and serenity for the rest of his days.
A few friends and I were discussing diet tips.
When it was mentioned that getting enough exercise
and sleep were just as important as watching food
intake, someone responded with surprise that sleep
was a factor.
Another replied: "Of course sleep has a lot to do
with dieting. The only time I'm not eating is when I'm sleeping!"
Jones applied to a collections agency for a job, but he had no experience. He was so intense that the manager gave him a tough account with the promise that if he collected it, he'd get the job.
Two hours later, Jones came back with the entire amount. "Amazing!" the manager said. "How did you do it?"
"Easy," Jones replied. "I told him if he didn't pay up, I'd tell all his other creditors he paid us."
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