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The following pattern is my original design.
Please only copy or print this pattern for personal use.
Please contactme if you find any errors.
Steel Hook - Size #2
#10 Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread
Stitches: ch, dc,
dc cr st (* Sk next ch, dc in next ch, dc in ch just skipped)
Difficulty: EASY/MEDIUM
Row 1: Ch 16, dc in 5th ch from hook, dc in 4th ch from hook (ch just to right of 1st dc).
* Sk next ch, dc in next ch, dc in ch just skipped [dc cr st made]
Rep from * across to last ch. Dc in last ch. Ch 3, turn.
Row 2: Dc cr st in each dc cr st. Dc in last dc. Ch 3, turn.
Rows 3-15: Rep Row 2.
Row 16: Dc cr st in each dc cr st. Dc in last dc. Ch 1, do not turn.
Edge: Rev sc in 1st 7 sts on Row 16, ch 5, rev sc in last 7 sts.
Work 2 rev sc in the end of each row down the side, rev sc across Row 1, 2 rev sc in the end of each row up the other side. Join with sl st. Fasten Off.
Fringe: Cut several strands of yarn about 8-10 inches in length.
Insert hook in ch 5 loop along edge of bookmark. Fold all strands of yarn in half. Using the hook, draw the folded ends of the yarn up through the ch-5 sp and pull the loose ends through the folded end. This completes the fringe and all you need to do is tighten up the knot by pulling on the strands of yarn.